Frame Up For Funding
Did You Know?
58% of wealthy donors say they would give more if they could determine the impact of their donations
Over 65% of Foundations fund less than 50% of applications received
Approximately 30% of Nonprofits in existence today will not exist after 10 years
Tech With Heart Foundation Partners, Kathy and Brad Lambert, have a proven track record of incorporating strategic partnerships in scaling their organization’s impact and increasing revenue, and you can learn now to do the same!
Learn more about the Frame Up for Funding 12-week intensive class designed to provide you with a number of proven strategies to generate more income.
I made two $50,000 asks this week. I truly do not think I would have the confidence or the courage to reach out to these two organizations if it weren’t for Frame Up for Funding and this is the confidence that Kathy and Brad have given me to keep moving. Thank you!
Frame Up for Funding was very helpful in figuring out where our organization is on the spectrum of growth. Also, the program was more rigorous than I anticipated at the onset. It made me recognize that I need more support as an ED if we are truly going to scale and grow the organization and our mission.
Thank you, Kathy and Brad! Within the past 4 weeks, Frame up for Funding has helped us raised more money than any other 4 week period.
Who Can Benefit From Participating In The Next
Frame Up For Funding Cohort?
Organizations ready to build sustainability and increasing revenue.
Executive Directors building and/or strengthening their organizational partnerships with other nonprofits, government agencies and funders.
Presidents and Executive Directors striving to scale their organization’s impact in the community.
Nonprofit and government professionals striving to demonstrate a return on investment and value-driven work.
20% of all proceeds that result from this partner service offering goes to support the Tech With Heart Foundation
and it’s entrepreneurial, and student support programs.